October 9, 2014

Top 10 of Brent Butt's funniest tweets

funny top 10 list from twitter Brent Butt
Brent Butt with his "Secret Service" Staff in the background
Really looking forward to seeing Brent Butt live on Oct 17th in Tisdale for the Co-op's 75th Anniversary  If you are on twitter you are doing yourself a disservice by not following @BrentButt.  Who knew so much comedy and laughs can be squeezed into 140 characters? Here is a sampling:

funny top 10 list from twitter Brent Butt

10. XL-ent humor

9.  I wood agree with that.

8.  Or how about an extra point for HITTING the goal post?

7.That's just how he rolls... out

6. Moving at the speed of twitter

5. Scroll, scroll, LOL, scroll, scroll, RT, scroll, scroll, fav...

4. Hipsters liked him before they were cool

3. He Shoots He Scores!?!?

2. Maybe Autocorrect is remembering the last Riders' Game? 

1.  Can't argue with that!

Happy Friday Everyone! Remember every time you share a Friday Funny an Angel gets 2 tickets to the premier of Corner Gas the Movie!

Tweet: Hey @BrentButt I just saw Top 10 or your funniest tweets on http://ctt.ec/4bs8u+ You are Hilarious!

Click here to send
this list to @brentbutt