March 20, 2009

~Friday~Funnies~ Top Ten worser ways AIG could have spent their bonus money

Good morning everyone, as I am sure most of you have heard by now the American company AIG spent $165 million on executive bonuses after taking $170 Billion (yes Billion with a 'B') from the American Federal Government to bail them out. You know it must be really bad when the most powerful man in the world, President Barack Obama speaks out against the bonuses

But I maintain that it could have been worse for AIG (which stands for Arrogance, Incompentance and Greed by the way). So here are the Top Ten worser ways AIG could have spent their bonus money:

10 They could have used the money trying to make a come back for the 8 track cassette tape.

9 They could have funded a re-elect George Bush for President Campaign.

8 They could have funded a 'weekend retreat' for their executives to get away from the pressure of the markets. (Oh wait, they did that already :-(

7 They could have used the money to fund organized crime (Hmm, maybe that wouldn't have been worse. . .)

6 They could have used the money to fund their pet ecological climate theory "Global Cooling"

5 They could have spent the money on a advertising campaign that made turkeys fly out of helicopters

4 They could have given the money to Leone Helmsley's Dog.

3 They could have funded spammers or telemarketers or some other scum-of-the-earth-bother-you-without-your-permission-type of people.

2 They could have bet it all on the Toronto Maple Leafs making the playoffs in 2009.

1 The could have invested in their own stock derivatives! (Then they would have been sure to completely blow their money.)

Happy Friday!
Happy First Day of Spring ( yeah I couldn't tell either)

BHappy Bill

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