June 5, 2008

Top 10 ways I plan to celebrate leaving BC

Yesterday, June 5th was the 1 year anniversary of my family leaving BC. It has been quite a year (new town, new friends, new job, new house, new baby) so it's time to celebrate!! So here are my top 10 ways I plan to celebrate leaving BC:

10.Watch the 2007 Grey cup repeatedly until I am able to play the banjo and kiss my sister and cheer for the Saskatchewan Roughriders.

9. Go tie-less for the rest of the summer.

8. Move in with my in-laws for another 6 months.

7. Watch someone else eat Death by chocolate.

6.Climb Mt Tisdale 1000 times to remind me of what real mountains are like

5.Send pictures of the lovely surrounding lakes and country side to all my friends
back home with notes saying 'sucks to be you' (and then don't answer my phone
when everyone calls at the first snow fall in October).

4.I was going to paint the town red but the store only sold green paint!

3. Hit up every barbeque in town for a freebie.

2. Ride my bike to work.(Because I can!)

1. Take a nap! (Hey with a new baby around a nap is pretty special!)

Happy Friday!