August 15, 2013

Top 10 humorous TV Show Sponsors inspired by Brent Butt

The other day I ran across this tweet by @BrentButt:
Top 10 TV Hashtags

and as one of "Brent's Frients"  I couldn't help be inspired. So here are the Top 10 "Appropriate" TV Show Sponsors inspired by Brent Butt:

10. Doctor Who - by Casio

9. Big Bang Theory by the NFL*

8. Mad Men by Alfred E. Newman

7. Corner Gas by Beano

6.Breaking Bad - by Dow Chemical

5. Phineas and Ferb by 3M

4. How I Met your Mother by

3. Sponge Bob by Betty Crocker

2.Big Brother - by the NSA

1.Game of Thrones - by Crane

Happy Friday everyone!

Remember- every time you share the Friday Funnies an Angel remembers his password.

* Bazinga!